Friday, November 12, 2010

It's a wrap!!

Posted by Debora Prihatna at 7:16 AM
Busy, busy, busy..... I've been so busy lately that I did not have time to blog..... Not only blogging is neglected.... Bento making is also skipped....

While browsing an old photo album, I found this picture of smoked turkey breast wraps which I made few months ago..... Well.... actually it's not a bento because it was not served in a lunch box..... But I think it still looks kawaii..... xixixi.....

The idea of making wrap came because I'm getting bored of eating rice and bread. I thought a wrap would be a great substitute for rice and bread as it is also a carbohydrate. Hubby also likes to eat wrap.... His favourite wrap is KFC's breakfast wrap on a Saturday morning accompanied with The Saturday Times.....

When I planned a meal, I always try to follow the healthy food pyramid..... Do you know that the base of the pyramid (food that we should eat more) is not the carbohydrate..... It should be the fruit and vegetables..... 
So I shredded lots of lettuce (iceberg and local) to stuff into the wrap..... I also diced tomato, onions and capsicum..... Not only they are excellent sources of vitamins and fiber, they also gives colours to the warp..... They make the wrap looks more appetizing..... This a theory of planning a meal which I learned from my Food and Nutrition teacher when I was in secondary school..... Her name was Mrs Peter..... She shaped my basic principle of  meal planning.....

You can say that I'm obsessed with fibre.... I even used wholemeal tortilla to make this wrap.... Xixixi.... :) Anyway the price of wholemeal tortilla and plain tortilla is the same.... So why not choose the one which gives you more..... Hahaha.....

Making wrap is very simple.... Just place all the ingredients (smoked turkey, veggies and sauce) then roll it up..... If you want a warm tortilla, you can always used a pan  or use a microwave to heat it up for a while, before you place the other ingredients.....

My wrap is served with Mr. Smiley fries, cherry tomatoes and broccoli with..... 



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