Friday, November 12, 2010

My First Catering Order

Posted by Debora Prihatna at 8:02 AM
Yawn..... This morning I woke up soooo early.... Two hours earlier than my normal routine. Few days ago I received my first order via sms..... I was so excited..... 

A pretty five years old girl will be having a party at school..... Her mom asked me to make something for her to bring to the party..... At first we were thinking of sushi..... but then her mom remembered that the girl's Japanese friend might bring sushi.....

Hmmm... After brainstorming, we decided to make mini burger and mini hotdog for her.... They don't need to be warmed up, they won't turn bad easily, they are wallet friendly and most importantly..... kids love to eat them..... 

There are twelve children in the class..... So I would make six hot dogs and six burgers.....

In close up, they look like these.....
Aren't they lovely?
I love the Santa chocolate..... It's a treat for them for eating the veggies...

Each burger and hot dog is packed individually in a plastic transparent box. Besides burger or hot dog, they also get five crinkle-cut carrot sticks..... I chose carrot because normally kids like to eat them..... Just say "Bugs Bunny eats carrot....."

Garden is the theme for the burgers..... Different types of flowers make the burgers look pretty..... and L is for Lana..... the prettiest girl of all.....

Shapes is the theme for the hot-dogs.... Stars and Hearts..... I named them: "You are a star" and "You are the King/Queen of my heart" 

Hope the children like it...... Enjoy the party, Lana and friends..... hip, hip hooray!!!

Note: If you are in Singapore and you want to place an order, you can drop me an email
The price, theme and type of food can be catered according to your needs and budget


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