Friday, October 22, 2010

Smile..... Hot Dog to brighten up Hubby's day

Posted by Debora Prihatna at 7:54 AM
Hubby was kind of down lately...... I wanted to prepare something to cheer him up.... So last week I woke up early and prepared a hot dog for his lunch....
It was a simple yet delicious..... The bun was lined with lettuce and topped with cheese hot dog.... I spread a dollop of light mayo and Thai sweet chilli to add flavour to the hot dog. While waiting for the cheese hot dog to be warmed up, I cut the cheese using my alphabet cutter..... It was a message for hubby: Smile >.< Debbie loves you....

After which I packed it into transparent plastic box. It fitted perfectly..... Hubby was happy to recieve this special lunch.....

Hope this bento brightened up your day, Hubby..... Smile.....


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